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How To Clear Out The Access Code For The Mac Address

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How To Clear Out The Access Code For The Mac Address

MAC address short form of Media Access Control Address, is a address that uniquely identifies you computer. 1

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But before moving on with our spoofing mac address OS X trick, lets see what does a MAC address look like.. But how does the other computer find your computer? That is where addresses come in.. Does this mean they can never be changed? Well, yes Then what is this article about? One simple word, MAGIC ! The hard-coded MAC address can never be changed but you can spoof the MAC address in your operating system. 3

For every network card on your computer there is a MAC address, which comes built-in.. These addresses are actually hard-coded into the network card These are given to a network adapter in the manufacturing stage itself.. This applies to all types of network cards be it Ethernet or WiFi Whether you are using a wired connection or wireless one, you do need to transfer data from your computer to some other computer.. I am changing out the computer and need to clear the mac address on the port so it can learn the address of the new computer.. And since these addresses are permanent, they are generally used to prevent devices from accessing a particular network. 0041d406d9 Click